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Lincoln – In Need Of Sponsorship

Lincoln, our stunning Rotweiller pup, is not only handsome but has the sweetest, kindest soul. He is loving and affectionate, sweet and calm. Lincoln has not had it easy in his short life. He has either suffered a reaction to his routine vaccines or he has had a stroke which has left him with no control over his bodily functions and problematic back legs. We are looking for a sponsor or sponsors to help us help Lincoln with these challenges. We would like to be able to have him on a regular schedule of chiropractic appointments, we would like to get him in to the 404 Clinic to take advantage of their hydrotherapy pool, we are changing him to a raw diet, and would like to explore acupuncture. He has such great potential and is a deserving boy. If interested in sponsoring Lincoln, please contact us.

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3 Responses to "Lincoln – In Need Of Sponsorship"

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    Anita Hansley-Aenishaenslin
    May 12, 2016 - 8:59 pm Reply

    What does sponsoring entail?

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    Zoe Cittern
    May 19, 2016 - 11:37 pm Reply

    hi Anita, sorry we're just getting back to you! If you would like to chat further about what sponsoring would involve, please email us at info@cartersrescue.com or send us your email so we can chat further! thanks so much for your interest.

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    Jenifer Maude
    June 12, 2016 - 6:45 pm Reply

    I was fortunate enough to take Lincoln for a walk yesterday. He is such a sweet boy. Did you know that Top Dog in Barrie now has a hydrotherapy pool? I can help to sponsor Lincoln. I can't afford much, but I'm sure every dollar helps.

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