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Tuxedo Spirit has come to life

When you meet Tuxedo our American Bulldog, the first thing you notice is how funny he walks.  His walk is so peculiar  because he finds it difficult to walk and successfully pull off a tail wag that makes his whole body wiggle and shake.  He loves people, he loves dogs and he loves life.  His love for everything is infectious and two minutes in his company has you smiling, laughing and loving life too.  He is loved, safe and appreciated for the wonderful, warm and charming character that he is but life before Carter’s was a complete and utter hell for our little Tuxedo.  He has endured so many hardships in his short 2 years.  His previous owner suspected of criminal activity.  He lived in an apartment with this person who thought it was his God given right to beat Tuxedo whenever the spirit moved him.  This person also thought that he could leave Tuxedo to his own devices for days and days on end, not leaving food, water or a caring soul to check on Tuxedo to make sure he was ok or let him out to go to the bathroom.  It was brought to the landlord’s attention that there might be a problem in the apartment when urine started to seep down into the apartment below where Tuxedo was housed.  Needless to say, the landlord, being a kind and caring person, got Tuxedo out of those deplorable conditions and he found his way to us.  We are so thankful for the compassion of people who step in to right a wrong when they see it, to help ease the suffering of an innocent soul.  We are so thankful for our Tuxedo.

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2 Responses to "Tuxedo Spirit has come to life"

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    Krystle Johnson
    July 10, 2015 - 5:23 pm Reply

    he is stunning!

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    Lori Pinel Coulombe
    July 10, 2015 - 11:01 pm Reply

    Thank you for your time with this beautiful boy! May I tell you this, the person commenting below me? Rescued Bella, a neglected pretty AB! Bella, is in the right home with the right people and the entire family come across the board for all dogs & cats alike! Their knowledge, BUT THEIR LOVE for furry life is what gets them this recommendation!! They saved Bella, she too was in deplorable situations and we finally saved her from the constant neglect! She now lives the life I am jealous of! Kudos to Krystle Johnson Darren Jamieson and family for being the awesome loving family you are!! Tuxedo would rock that house! <3 <3

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